Top 6 LinearB Alternatives

Software engineering teams are crucial for the organization. They build high-quality products, gather and analyze requirements, design system architecture and components, and write clean, efficient code. Hence, they are the key drivers of success.

Measuring their success and considering if they are facing any challenges is important. And that’s how Engineering Analytics Tools comes to the rescue. One of the popular tools is LinearB which engineering leaders and CTOs across the globe have widely used.

While this is usually the best choice for the organizations, there might be chances that it doesn’t work for you. Worry not! We’ve curated the top 6 LinearB alternatives that you can take note of when considering engineering analytics tools for your company.

What is LinearB?

LinearB is a well-known software engineering analytics platform that measures GIT data, tracks DORA metrics, and collects data from other tools. By combining visibility and automation, it enhances operational efficiency and provides a comprehensive view of performance. Its project delivery forecasting and goal-setting features help engineering leaders stay on schedule and monitor team efficiency. LinearB can be integrated with Slack, JIRA, and popular CI/CD tools. However, LinearB has limited features to support the SPACE framework and individual performance insights.

LinearB Alternatives

Besides LinearB, there are other leading alternatives as well. Take a look below:


Typo is another popular software engineering intelligence platform that offers SDLC visibility, developer insights, and workflow automation for building high-performing tech teams. It can be seamlessly integrated into the tech tools stack including the GIT version (GitHub, GitLab), issue tracker (Jira, Linear), and CI/CD (Jenkins, CircleCI) tools to ensure a smooth data flow. Typo also offers comprehensive insights into the deployment process through key DORA and other engineering metrics. With its automated code tool, the engineering team can identify code issues and auto-fix them before merging to master.


  • DORA and other engineering metrics can be configured in a single dashboard.
  • Captures a 360-degree view of developers’ experience i.e. qualitative insights and an in-depth view of the real issues.
  • Offers engineering benchmark to compare the team’s results across industries.
  • Effective sprint analysis tracks and analyzes the team’s progress throughout a sprint.
  • Reliable and prompt customer support.


Jellyfish is a leading GIT tracking tool for tracking metrics by aligning engineering insights with business goals. It analyzes the activities of engineers in a development and management tool and provides a complete understanding of the product. Jellyfish shows the status of every pull request and offers relevant information about the commit that affects the branch. It can be easily integrated with JIRA, Bitbucket, Gitlab, and Confluence.


  • Provides multiple views on resource allocation.
  • Real-time visibility into engineering organization and team progress.
  • Provides you access to benchmarking data on engineering metrics.
  • Includes DevOps metrics for continuous delivery.
  • Transforms data into reports and insights for both management and leadership.


Swarmia is a popular tool that offers visibility across three crucial areas: business outcome, developer productivity, and developer experience. It provides quantitative insights into the development pipeline. It helps the team identify initiatives falling behind their planned schedule by displaying the impact of unplanned work, scope creep, and technical debt. Swarmia can be integrated with tech tools like source code hosting, issue trackers, and chat systems.


  • Investment balance gives insights into the purpose of each action and money spent by the company on each category.
  • User-friendly dashboard.
  • Working agreement features include 20+ work agreements used by the industry’s top-performing teams.
  • Tracks healthy software engineering measures such as DORA metrics.
  • Automation feature allows all tasks to be assigned to the appropriate issues and persons.


Waydev is a software development analytics platform that uses an agile method for tracking output during the development process. It puts more stress on market-based metrics and gives cost and progress of delivery and key initiatives. Its flexible reporting allows for building complex custom reports. Waydev can be seamlessly integrated with Gitlab, Github, CircleCI, AzureOPS, and other well-known tools.


  • Provides automated insights on metrics related to bug fixes, velocity, and more.
  • Easy to digest.
  • Allows engineering leaders to see data from different perspectives.
  • Creates custom goals, targets, or alerts.
  • Offers budgeting reports for engineering leaders.

Waydev Updates: Custom Dashboards & Benchmarking - Waydev

Pluralsight Flow

Pluralsight Flow provides a detailed overview of the development process and helps identify friction and bottlenecks in the development pipeline. It tracks DORA metrics, software development KPIs, and investment insights which allows for aligning engineering efforts with strategic objectives. Pluralsight Flow can be integrated with various manual and automated testing tools such as Azure DevOps, and GitLab.


  • Offers insights into why trends occur and what could be the related issues.
  • Predicts value impact for project and process proposals.
  • Features DORA analytics and investment insights.
  • Provides centralized insights and data visualization for data sharing and collaboration.
  • Easy to manage configuration.


Sleuth assists development teams in tracking and improving DORA metrics. It provides a complete picture of existing and planned deployments as well as the effect of releases. Sleuth gives teams visibility and actionable insights on efficiency and can be integrated with AWS CloudWatch, Jenkins, JIRA, Slack, and many more.


  • Provides automated and easy deployment process.
  • Keeps team up to date on how they are performing against their goal over time.
  • Automatically suggests efficiency goals based on teams’ historical metrics.
  • Lightweight and adaptable.
  • Accurate picture of software development performance and provides insights.


Software development analytics tools are important for keeping track of project pipelines and measuring developers’ productivity. It allows engineering managers to gain visibility into the dev team performance through in-depth insights and reports.

Take the time to conduct thorough research before selecting any analytics tool. It must align with your team’s needs and specifications, facilitate continuous improvement, and integrate with your existing and forthcoming tech tools.

All the best!